"tu sais ce que disait platon de la beauté? elle n'appartient pas à la nature mais à l'oeil qui regarde, au cerveau qui traduit, à l'âme qui qualifie." / dédé fortin

mardi 4 mai 2010

presque blanc

4 commentaires:

Leslie Avon Miller a dit...

Almost white - my favorite. And you have done it so well Linda.

Sandra a dit...

BEAUtiful! this is what i love... white... shades and shades of white on layers and layers of old paper. fantastic :)

JoAnne Ruggeri a dit...

These are soooo beautiful and subtle. I love the simplicity of them.
I really enjoy your work and would love to trade links with you. Please check out my blog and let me know if you would like to do so. I'd love to add you as a link to my page.
JoAnne Ruggeri

ArtPropelled a dit...

Love these!